Adobe Flash Player is a multimedia software platform that allows the animation on vector graphics, running of internet applications and playing games. It was developed almost 17 years ago (1996) by Adobe and Today it is being used by over 400 million people around the world. This freeware software is common in the internet as it now commands almost 90% of all internet content. A lot of websites are build using flash technology these days and therefore require Adobe Flash Player plug-in in running it components.
Adobe Flash uses files in SWF format. Although this type of file format takes time to develop and create, it manipulation is far much easier than all other file formats in the website structure. SWF files also knows as Flash documents are small in size and fast in execution and this factor makes Flash developed websites fast in loading.
Adobe Flash Player supports vector and raster graphics which is a basic component in videos, games and animations. It is important to have Adobe Flash Player plug-in installed in your browser for you to be able to playback, stream and view audio, video and animated graphics in the websites.
Apart from being able to play and run videos, graphics and animations, Adobe Flash Player gives you the ultimate web browsing experience as it is very fast in loading this content on the website you are browsing therefore you do not have to wait for contents to load. This is because flash files start playing as the contents is being transmitted to you unlike other file formats where you have to wait for the content to be fully downloaded first for you to be able to watch and play. This ability to stream live video, audio and press to play games enhances your browsing experience saving a lot of your time and data in the long run.
Adobe flash payer also supports Action script through which videos from outside (other websites) for example YouTube videos can be attached in your website. This is a very important feature from the flash technology as a lot of websites have video attachments from other sources but related to its contents. It can be a tutorial, an advertisement, playback videos or audio that the web developer want to refer you to or recommend for you. This attachment of videos from other sites is called embedding and it is supported by Adobe Flash Player.
Most modern video games are made by flash technology and are executed or played through a Flash Player. Using Adobe Flash Player you will be able to enjoy these games despite how much graphics are involved. Adobe Flash Player is able to play vector graphics in real time thus improving your gaming experience.
In conclusion, Adobe Flash Player is a very important tool in your browsing experience, many websites today use Flash technology and therefore having Adobe Flash Player plug-in will ensure you have a crisp clean, high resolution video experience and real time audio playback.